KNRTU-KAI Moved Up to 20 Lines in the Ranking of Universities


The rating includes an assessment of the educational environment quality of the 75 universities participating in the Vladimir Potanin Scholarship Program.

On Tuesday, 11th of September, annual ranking of university was presented by Vladimir Potanin Foundation. KNRTU-KAI has substantially improve its indications in new version of ranking: moved up to 20 lines, now it is located at 34 place. As a tradition the rating includes an assessment of the educational environment quality of the 75 universities participating in the Vladimir Potanin Scholarship Program.

The ranking have been formed since 2004. It presents an independent assessment of the education  quality in universities. It is based not only on academic indicators, but also on the potential of universities in the development of regions and the study of the university environment that stimulates professional and personal growth.

Department of Public Relations