Would you like to experience engineering Kazan? Did you know that the 1st ever supersonic aircraft TU-144 was produced in Russia? Do you know that 1 out of 6 remaining ones is on KNRTU-KAI campus and will soon become an on-board interactive museum? If, so, you have a chance to become part of legendary aviation history and join the Summer School in Kazan to learn about 3D and additive manufacturing technologies while developing 3D CAD models of TU-144 components. The best ones will be displayed in the TU-144 Interactive museum to be opened in December 31, 2018.


While focused on laser technologies and robotics, Summer School participants will get acquainted with the state of the art engineering facilities in all major engineering fields in Kazan – electrical, mechanical and aircraft engineering, IT, composite and nanotechnologies and much more. The program includes visits to major companies and industry complexes of Kazan, production units and research institutes of KNRTU-KAI, engineering centers and research labs in the German-Russian Institute of Advanced Technologies (GRIAT), one of KNRTU-KAI’s institutes.







On-campus activities

Wings for Life: Discovering Engineering Kazan from the Supersonic TU-144" is the headline of the Summer School focused on additive manufacturing as a new kind of generative processes, which is capable of directly creating physical parts from 3D CAD models. Over a long period of time, the production and design of construction components were limited to the available modes of manufacturing. With the arrival of generative manufacturing processes, it nowadays becomes feasible and economically profitable to design and create a new generation of components and replacement parts.

3D printing, rapid prototyping, and generative manufacturing processes hold the potential to revolutionize production techniques and take them to a new level. By now, these new technologies serve as a supplement or an alternative to traditional modes of production. On these grounds, profound knowledge about additive manufacturing, featuring options and limits, is a must in the education and training of every engineer.

There are two key reasons for choosing this area: firstly, expertise and technical infrastructure like different laboratories at KNRTU-KAI are excellent. Secondly, this sort of complex, interdisciplinary production process appeals to students of various engineering study programs. More specifically, the topic pertains to the following disciplines:










List of lectures (+)


Lecture Title

Lecture Content


Laser, Basics

Laser, work principle, types, and characteristics


Laser, Process Control

Process control of laser -hardening, -welding, -cutting


Industrial Robots, Overview

State of the art in industrial robot technology



Collaboration of robots with laser and laser scanner systems


Additive Manufacturing (AM) Intro, Overview

General overview – what is it, for what, what is the potential? Comparison with conventional production technologies


AM Intro, Methods

Extrusion-based methods, polymerizing methods, laser-based methods, and indirect methods


AM, Materials

Powders, photopolymers, gases


AM, Construction Rules

Product development with prototypes, manufacturing specific design rules


AM, Process Control

Control of selected AM processes


AM, Practical

Construction, optimization and production of a TU 144 jet engine part, assembling on the jet engine


Preliminary daily schedule of the summer school (+)


Accommodation (+)

Our summer school participants from outside Kazan stay in KAI dormitory №3 on Ulitsa Akademika Kirpichnikova 11. This is a renovated 5-floor-building, located 5km away from campus with several connecting bus and tram lines.

Off-campus activities

The Summer School pays attention to local languages and cultures (Russian and Tatar) by offering a Russian class for German students of 90 min/day. It also includes a variety of activities to explore Kazan, i.e., a city tour and a picnic on the Volga river banks. With a major Tatar holiday – Kurban Bajram – in the middle of the program schedule, students will have a chance to witness how Muslims respect traditional customs and celebrate this religious feast together with Russian Orthodox Christians.


Kazan Kremlin

For more than a thousand years of its history, the white-stone, symbolic and legendary Kazan Kremlin has heard almost every language of the world and hosted common tourists, ministers and presidents alike. Imperious-looking and powerful, it calls Muslims to the prayer in mosques and at the same time lets Orthodox church bells ring loud. By becoming a home to numerous museums, it invites guests from all over the planet every day. This architectural and historic monument was rightly included in UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage List as early as in 2000.

* Text from resource http://visit-tatarstan.com



Innopolis (Russian: Иннополис) is a town in Verkhneuslonsky District of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, a satellite of Kazan, the capital of the republic. This is the smallest town in Russia with 96 inhabitants according to the 2016 estimate. The basis of the housing stock of Innopolis is 4 blocks of multi-storey apartment houses - 16 houses for 840 apartments - built by the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan and intended for leasing to residents of Innopolis and students. As of the end of 2016, there was a kindergarten, a school, an IT lyceum, a sports and medical center, post offices, client offices of AK Bars and Sberbank, a beauty salon, a coffee shop and a supermarket in Innopolis.

* Picture and text from resource http://visit-tatarstan.com


Great Bolgar 

“The Great Bolgar” – this is how they often call this world-famous museum preserve, and rightly so. The site of the ancient settlement of Bolgar, registered by UNESCO and renowned for its history and legends, attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world every year. There are indeed many good reasons to see this wonderful place.

* Text from resource http://visit-tatarstan.com. Image from resource http://old.sntat.ru


Island town of Sviyazhsk

The island town of Sziyazhsk is that same fairy-tale island of Buyan, that magical land which Pushkin wrote about in his story of Prince Gvidon. Everything on the island simply breathes history. People come here to enjoy the truly mythical atmosphere, learn more about the history and admire the local architecture.

* Picture from resource http://visit-tatarstan.com



More information about TU-144 (+)



Why do I have to send all these documents?

Due to many questions related to obtaining a Russian visa, we would like to emphasize, that the official invitation letter, which you will need for visa application, will be provided by KNRTU-KAI international office. Therefore, we need the completely filled application form. The official invitation will be sent to you via email after we have selected all participants.

Do I take care of my own travel arrangements?


Yes, please do. When you purchase your tickets, let us know about you route – airways, flight number, time of arrival or railway station, train number, time of arrival. That will help us organizing to meet you.

Where will participants from abroad live?

Our summer school participants from outside Kazan stay in KNRTU-KAI dormitory №3 on Akademika Kirpichnikova str.11. This is a renovated 5-floor-building, located 5km away from campus with several connecting bus and tram lines.

Should I provide a language certificate about knowing English?

A language certificate like IELTS or TOEFL is nice to have, however, it is not mandatory. We expect an intermediate language level (B1/B2) of English.

Apply Now!


Participation fees:

The participation fee is 650 €. The fee is to be paid in cash (in Rubles) on the first day of the summer school. You will be accompanied to the bank to exchange your currency into Rubles.

  1. DAAD provides 8 scholarships to German students that will cover the following expenses: Travel, accommodation and participation fees for the course (see above) Updated! The application process is over, DAAD scholarships are taken. 
  2. The participation fee for international students, willing to travel by own funds is 650 € 
  3. The price for local students is 4900 RUR

The participation fee includes:

  1. Lectures / Lab work
  2. Scripts and copies
  3. Meals (lunch and coffee breaks), please, let us know if you have any dietary restrictions
  4. Accommodation
  5. Free use of the library and internet access
  6. Cultural program*
  7. Excursions*
  8. Experts’ fees

* entry ticket to the sight, bus transfer to and from the sight, tour guide fees are included, unless using public transportation or walking is faster and more convenient option


Application, registration, deadlines:

Application and registration for “GRIAT Summer School 2018”open March 1, 2018.

Please see the details in Application Details for different types of applicants.


Application requirements:

1. Last year of Bachelor's Degree in the following engineering fields of study (Mechanical Engineering, Robotics, Laser, Cybernetics, IT)

2. English level “Intermediate or Upper Intermediate” is sufficient


Application process:

Please send your application to the summer school office here: summerschool@griat.kai.ru

Please attach the following documents:

  1. Attached and filled web-form
  2. Attached CV
  3. Attached motivation letter (1 – 1 ½ page)
  4. Attached copy of your scanned passport page with a photo and info about the place, date of issue (ALL pages, including empty! ones for issuing an official invitation.)

Please note! 

* Note documents (1-3) should be in English and (1-4) in PDF format.

* Please note! Foreign participants may need to apply for a visa no later than 1 month before the start of the course

Application details for international students, applied to DAAD scholarship

Application details for international participants, travelling for own funds and not DAAD scholarships. 

Application details for local students 



Important details:

  1. The summer school is being supported by the DAAD Go East Stipend Program. Link: DAAD Go East Summer School Program
  2. German students can apply if they are currently enrolled at a German university and have a German citizenship or an equivalent (more information on application criteria here).
  3. Non-German students also may apply if they are enrolled at a German university and intend to graduate from there.
  4. Graduates with an MA degree, as well as PhD candidates, are excluded from the application process.
  5. The DAAD stipend covers travel and participation fees.
  6. The double-track application process requires that interested students apply in parallel for admission to the summer school and for a stipend to DAAD.

Useful links: