Department of international cooperation and academic mobility


Department of development of international cooperation and academic mobility fulfills several functions:

  1. Establishment and maintaining of the contacts with foreign embassies and representations, foreign institutions and organizations;
  2. Organizing the reception of foreign delegations, specialists, students, postgraduates, interns who visit KNRTU-KAI by invitation;
  3. Consulting students, postgraduates and employees of KNRTU-KAI on participating in competitions for winning international grants;
  4. Maintenance of international correspondence with concerned persons and organizations, processing foreign correspondence incoming to the KNRTU-KAI; 
  5. Consulting and assistance to the subdivisions and employees of KNRTU-KAI in establishment of connections with foreign partners, organizations and charity funds, in organizing seminars and conferences with international participation.    

Contact us:

Office 504

Telephone: +7-843-231-16-24
