Outcoming mobility

Every year 60 students and professors go to internships to foreign educational institutions upon the grant program of the Republic of Tatarstan “Algarysh”, and upon the programs of German Academic Exchange Service DAAD.

Studying in GRIAT is 2 years of Master’s studies on the double-degree program. Students of the first course study in Kazan with professors from Germany, for the third semester they go to Germany where they attend classes and do research works in the laboratories of leading German universities, write dissertations in collaboration with Russian and German research advisors. The fourth semester can be spent in Kazan or Germany in order to finish research works for dissertation and preparing for the Master’s thesis defence.

Upon completion of the study alumni get Master’s degree diplomas – German and Russian. Having an international level of education they can work in any part of the world. The main language of instruction in this program is English.