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KNRTU-KAI hosted the first graduation ceremony of bachelors of the LingYun group


Who studied under the dual degree program with the Chinese NPU

In the 8th building of the University there was a solemn awarding of diplomas to the first group of Chinese students in the modern history of the university. It is about the group "LingYun-1". In 2019, started the work of the joint dual degree program Design of Aircraft Engines and Power Plants in the direction of training Aircraft Engines according to the scheme "2+2".

The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Chinese Consulate in Kazan, headed by Mr. Xiang Bo, the Consul General, and the delegation of the Northwestern Polytechnical University, headed by Mr. Wang Yubo, Secretary General of the University Affairs Committee, and at the same time an Assistant to President of the university, as well as the delegation of Institute of Power and Energy of the Northwestern Polytechnical University, headed by Mr. Wang Zhanxue, Party Head, Professor. The main heroes of the occasion were 24 students, half of whom studied for two years at KNRTU-KAI and half at Samara University.


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