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The Year of KAI 90th Anniversary Ended with a Ceremonial Event


Chairman of the State Council of Tatarstan and Deputy Minister of Science & Higher Education of Russia attended the meeting

On December 15, during the event dedicated to the 90th anniversary year of KNRTU-KAI, the staff and faculty of the university received prestigious awards and prices, including the Letter of Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation.

“In 2022 our university celebrated its 90th anniversary. During the year, we held international and all-Russian conferences, lectures, festivals, Olympiads, sports competitions and meetings of veterans dedicated to this remarkable date. The first departments of the university, now the leading institutes of KNRTU-KAI, also celebrated their anniversary this year. Since the foundation of KAI, it has acquired new partners, established laboratories, consortiums and centers.” – noted the Acting rector of KNRTU-KAI Dr. Timur Alibaev during the Academic Council and Board of Trustees meeting opening.

“KNRTU-KAI is truly a unique family, with strong traditions, rich experience and great prospects for development. No doubt the university staff and faculty will jointly respond to the challenges of our time and use new possibilities in order to achieve a considerable progress.” – added Dr. Timur Alibaev.

“A lot has been done over the 90-year history of the university, but most importantly, strong traditions of creativeness have been laid. Such fundamental universities as KAI are the cornerstone of our multi-vector economy, the development of knowledge-intensive and competitive industries of the republic.” – pointed out the Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Mr. Farid Mukhametshin during the ceremonial event.

Mr. Airat Gatiyatov, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, also delivered a congratulatory speech at the meeting. “Throughout the years the Kazan Aviation Institute has become one of the largest educational and scientific complexes in our country, and has developed strong academic traditions, – the Deputy Minister addressed the audience – No doubt that rich history and powerful potential of the university significantly contribute to the permanent training of highly qualified specialists in aircraft engineering, rocket science, and digital transformation.”

Besides the solemn ceremony, the honorable guests and staff of the university visited the “KAI Today” exhibition, where achievements in science, educational Russian and international programs, students’ creative work and sports were presented. Among the major accomplishments in science and technology: a sensitive element of a fiber-optical greenhouse gas sensor, an optoelectron device for interrogating fiber-optical sensors, polyethylene terephthalate, a model of an airframe with embedded fiber-optical strain sensors, fiber-optical temperature sensors in various designs, vertical take-off and landing unmanned aerial vehicles with gross weight of 8 kg and 25 kg, a complex large-sized lattice structure with irregular reinforcement, shape-generating molding tools for polymer composite materials with irregular lattice structures.

More than that, the latest educational projects, such as the Russian-Belarusian Institute of Advanced Technologies and Sino-Russian Engineering Institute were displayed at KAI exhibition.

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