Since 2022, students groups from the Northwestern Polytechnical University have been successfully studying at KAI.
The student group “Lingyun-2”, which means “Flying High” in Chinese, arrived in the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan on August 27. 13 students from China are expected to continue their third and fourth years of undergraduate studies at KNRTU-KAI. Besides busy training schedule, students will be actively involved in the social and cultural life not only of the hosting university but the whole republic.
Lingyun-2 is a group of Chinese students from the Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) studying under the joint bachelor’s degree educational program in the field of Aircraft Engines. For two years, students have studied Russian language, history and culture at the Russian Language Center of the Northwestern Polytechnical University, which was opened in 2019 together with KAI.
On September 1, the students from China participated in the Day of Knowledge, where they were officially introduced to the management and academic staff of KNRTU-KAI, and presented with student ID cards and academic record books. The monitor of the Lingyun-2 group, Zhang Haoming, concluded the ceremonial part of this event with a welcome speech.
Chinese students demonstrate a high level of adaptation to the new conditions and integration into the life of the university, so they are already becoming the ambassadors of KAI at the upscale international events, such as the first Russian-Chinese forum “ROSTKI: Russia and China – mutually beneficial cooperation”, held in Kazan, where our students Lingyun-1 and Lingyun-2 have taken an active part by presenting to the masses Sino-Russian Engineering Institute, the new brand of KNRTU-KAI, attending master classes and business-related meetings, as well as giving interviews to the Russian TV channels.