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Andrey Ferenets
Evgenii Fedorov
Associate Professor, PhD
+79172775270, EYuFedorov@kai.ru
Aysha Sled
Admission Officer
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Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
The program is aimed at achieving research skills in the following fields of Electrical Engineering: Electronics, Power supply systems, Electric drive, Electromagnetic compatibility, Relay protection, automatic and control of electrical power supply systems. It includes such basic courses as Electromagnetic field theory, Electronic circuits, Modern concepts of EMC and EMC measurements, Power electronics, Renewable energy sources, Power Network Planning and Operation, Research skills seminar etc.
Students during their study are involved into the different projects and at the 4th semester they prepare and defend Master thesis under the joint supervision from Russian and German sides.
3 - contract places
- Electromagnetic Field Theory
- Systems and Control
- Electronic Circuits
- Digital Information Processing
- Information Technology in Electrical Engineering
- Philosophical Problems of Science and Technology
- Digital Communication Systems for Control of Power Network
- Modern Concepts of EMC and EMC Measurements
- Power Electronics
- Advanced Power Electronics
- Power Electronic Components and Systems
- Power Network Planning and Operation
- Renewable Energy Sources
- Power System Economics and Special Topics
- English language
- German language
- Measurement of the High Intensity Radiated Field (HIRF) Coupling to a Cable Harness in a Reverberation Chamber
- Algorithm of Optimal PMU Placement in a Grid
- Voltage Control in Low Voltage Distribution Networks
- Combined Circuit and Field Simulation for the Prediction of the Radiated Emissions of Grid Connected Power Converters
- Analytical Calculation and Numerical Simulation of the High Intensity Radiated Field (HIRF) Coupling to a Cable Harness
- Design and Modeling of a Three-Phase AC to DC Power Converter
- Measurement of the Stochastic Electromagnetic Field Coupling to Multiconductor Cables in a Reverberation Chamber
- Designing of electric connection of wind power stations on the basis of heuristic algorithm of search of optimum distance
- Measurement of the Plane Wave Coupling to a Non-Linearly Loaded Transmission Network
- Optimal positioning of wind power stations based on various factors
- Simulation of the Plane Wave Coupling to a Linearly and Non-Linearly Loaded Single-Wire Transmission Line
- Optimal Design and Operation of Storage Technologies and Renewable Resources of a Microgrid Connected with the Mains Grid
- Potentials of Power-to-Gas Technologies within the Mobility Sector
Kazan Helicopter Plant / Казанский вертолетный завод
Elekon Plant / Завод Элекон
Kazan Aviation Plant / Казанский Авиационный Завод
Volga-Avtomatika / Волга-Автоматика
ServiceMontazhIntegration / СервисМонтажИнтеграция
NEXT Engineering / НЕКСТ инжиниринг
Kazan Plant Electropribor / Казанский завод Электроприбор