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Nikolay Malivanov
Shamil Gubaidullin
Aysha Sled
Admission officer
+79030614022, AASled@kai.ru
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System Engineering and Engineering Cybernetics
The program is aimed at achieving research skills in the following fields of Control and System Engineering: Modern Control Engineering, Automatic Control Theory, Optimal Control, Computer technology of control, Information Technology. It includes such basic courses as Design of digital control systems of mobile objects, Computer technology of control in engineering systems, Digital Information Processing, Mathematical Modeling of object and control systems, Computer-aided design of control means and systems. Research skills seminar as well as such advanced subjects as Advanced Process System Engineering, Complex Systems, Dynamics of distributed parameter systems, Hybride Discrete Event Systems, Methods of optimal control theory etc. Students during their study are involved into the complex group projects and at the 4th semester they prepare and defend Master thesis under the joint supervision. The basis of master's training is the development of cybernetic and control system-theoretical approaches and methods and their application for solving practical tasks.
4 - contract places

- Modern problems of control theory
- Modern problems of automation and control,
- Modern Applied Control Theory,
- Modern methods of mobile objects control
- Optimal Control
- Computer technology of control in engineering systems
- Advanced Process System Engineering,
- Dynamics of distributed parameter systems,
- Complex Systems,
- Mathematical Modeling of object and control systems,
- Computer-aided design of control means and systems,
- Hybride Discrete Event Systems
- Digital Information Processing
- Motion of UAV for low altitude flights
- Automatic Control System of Vehicle Suspension
- Contract based model predictive control for mobile robots
- Control of a camera-head mounted display system – System architecture
- Control system for small scale helicopter
- Fault-tolerant control of a quadcopter
- Smart Home HVAC
- Robot following an object along a conveyor belt
- Industrial robot-manipulator control
- Flight Control System Design for Quadcopter using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
- Cooperative control of autonomous systems
- Model Predictive Control for Bioreactors
- Development of an automated system "Smart greenhouse"
Joint-Stock Company “NPO GIPO” / АО «Научно-производственное объединение Государственный институт прикладной оптики» (АО «НПО ГИПО»)
Joint-Stock Company "Production Association "Zavod imeni Sergo", Zelenodolsk / OАО "ПО "Завод имени Серго”, г. Зеленодольск
Open Joint-Stock company Kazan industrial enterprise “Electropribor” / ОАО Казанский завод “Электроприбор”, Казань
Open Joint-Stock company KER-Avtomatika / ОАО “КЭР-Автоматика”
Open Joint-Stock company “Kazan Optical-Mechanical Plant” / ОАО "Казанский оптико-механический завод"
KAMAZ Publicly Traded Company / ПАО “КАМАЗ”