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Visa application
For the stay in Germany during the 3rd semester GRIAT-students are required to prepare an application for a German national visa for a study stay (not Schengen-visa). It needs to be handed in at the office of the company Visametric in Moscow, which is handling the application process for the German consulate. The applications need to be handed in well in advance to the trip to Germany, since there are quite a number of documents to prepare and also several translations required, which takes some time to complete. Ususally, a date for handing in the visa applications of the whole group of GRIAT-students is booked in the end of June. Students are then required to travel personally to Moscow to hand in the documents and register their fingerprints. After the visas are prepared and ready for pick up (it takes usually about 6 weeks), it has proven to be an efficient way to send one person with all passports of the student group to the visa office in Moscow and fetch the visas.
Required documents for the visa application:
1. National visa application form
2. Belehrung nach § 54 Abs. 2 Nr. 8 i.V.m. § 53 AufenthG
3. Photograph
4. Internal (Russian общегражданский) and travelling (Russian заграничный) passports
5. Invitation letter from the German host university
6. Proof of financial resources
7. Authenticated certificates of earlier education
8. Proof of student status letter
9. Motivation letter
10. CV (curriculum vitae, Lebenslauf)
11. IELTS certificate
12. Health Insurance
Detailed information about the visa application process can also be found on the website of the visa office.
There are descriptions of the application procedure and required documents in English language, and in Russian language available.