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Academic mobility
Academic mobility is a transition of students and professors of higher educational institutions on a particular period of time to another educational or scientific institution domestically and internationally with studying or teaching aim.
According to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), mobility of students has remarkably increased in the last 4 decades: from 250 000 students in 1965 to 3,7 million in 2011. This statistics characterizes academic statistics of students from different countries who are willing to get not only a short term experience of studying abroad, but education in the whole. According to UNESCO research, more than 2,7 million students study outside of the country of their citizenship. Students from Asian countries form the biggest part of the students enrolled into foreign institutions. This number reaches 45% of the quantity of international students in countries of OECD and 52% of countries outside OECD.
KNRTU-KAI n.a. Tupolev takes an active part in the academic mobility. Annually about 60 students and professors go to internship to foreign educational institutions upon grant program of the Tatarstan Republic “Algarysh”, and also upon programs of German Academic Exchange Service DAAD. 15 foreign professors and scholars work in the university on the regular basis.